From the Daily
Speeches of Swami Omkarananda Saraswati
The Non-Enjoyer within There is in you a
non-enjoyer - in this world of enjoyment, in this body of
enjoyment, in this mind of enjoyment there is a non-enjoyer. There
is a non-suffering person in your suffering body, someone who is
beyond your enjoyment and suffering. This person you have to know
and experience. You have to be this person! You have to identify
yourself with this person. For in Him there is infinite, absolute
perfection. He does not need to enjoy anything, because He Himself
is infinite delight. He does not need to suffer, because He is
beyond every conceivable suffering. He is all-perfect. This
all-perfect person in you you have to discover, recognize,
perceive, experience and constantly identify yourself with.
You are in search of perfect love. You will find it nowhere
outside this person. You are in search of perfect joy. You will
find it nowhere outside this person in you. Tat tvam asi. This you
are. If you love This, do you need anything from the world then? -
Money? Food? Family? Friendship? Never. You are beyond everything:
Master of life, death and world.
When you know this person
in you, you are the greatest Sannyasin, best Sannyasin, true Sannyasin.
It becomes very easy for you to renounce everything.....