
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati


Omkarananda Jayanti                                                           25th December 2008

Keeping up its cherished tradition, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas observed OMKARANANDA MAHOTSAVA from 25th December 2008 to 4th January 2009.

H.D. Gurudev Swami Omkarananda was born on 25th December 1929 in Secunderabad, in Andhra Pradesh. After Gurudev had left his physical body, on 4th January 2000, the 11 days from His Jayanti on 25th December, up to 4th January, took the shape of a special 11 days holy Festival, dedicated to Swami Omkarananda. During these days, special Hawanas, Pujas, Aratis, Kathas and devotional cultural programs are performed in honour of Gurudev Swami Omkarananda.

The Omkarananda Ashram's small Auditorium, 'Omkarananda Vidya Bhawan', acquired a new look for this year's OMKARANANDA MAHOTSAVA. It was painted with beautiful soft colours, in white, pink and sky-blue and decorated with shining lights, surrounding Gurudev's Altar, which looked very appealing.

Sunderkand Patha
Lighting of Deepa

In this beautiful surrounding Gurudev's Photo stood shining like a brilliant jewel.
Omkarananda Jayanti began with recitations from the Sundarkand Path by Chief Priest Pandit Suresh Ji and his team. They had worked hard most of the week to ensure that everything would go like clockwork - and everything did!

Welcoming the guest for the event, Sangitamaya Kathavyasa Pandit Rajeshwar Maharaj Ji, Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji recalled how moved he had been when he first heard Pandit Ji's Kirtan and Katha. Pandit Rajeshwar Maharaj then lighted the ceremonial dipa to signal the start of the day's events.

Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji also extended a warm welcome to Swami Shankarananda Tilak Maharaj, on a visit from Spain with his disciples, and to Swami Rakeshananda Maharaj of Kartikeya Ashram in Rishikesh. Among those present was Swami Narasimhulu Ji, Trustee of this Ashram.

Pandit Rajeshwar Maharaj Ji is a resident of Datia in Madhya Pradesh. His father, Sant Vaidehi Vallabh Sharan Ji Maharaj, has his roots in Ayodhya, while his mother, Shrimati Brij Kumari Devi Ji, belongs to Brindavan'both particularly blessed places, the one associated with Bhagavan Shri Rama, the other with Bhagavan Shri Krishna.
Kumari Pragati, Pandit Ji's ten-year-old daughter, sang the Ramashila Bhajan with the ease, a seasoned singer might have envied, and added her beautiful voice to his rendering of the Shri Gurudeva Stuti and the Shri Guru Panchashata Jayakara Mantra.
Pandit Ji explained in this context that AUM, the sacred mantra frequently also rendered as OM, represents the four Divinities - Brahma in A, Vishnu in U, and Rudra/Shiva and Jagadamba in M.

Pandit Ji had admirable support from his accompanists, Shri Balaram Ji (vocals and harmonium), Shri Mukesh Ji (synthesizer), Shri Talmani Ji (tabla), and Shri Hemant Ji (keyboard).

Then followed Gurubhakti-Ratna Kumari Somashekhari Ji's Omkarananda Vandana, a choreographic tribute to Gurudev Ji, to her own vocal accompaniment.

Kumari Somashekhari Ji dedicated her next dance to Radha Rani Ji, whose ceaseless pining for the Lord at last brought the two together, and the one after, to the beloved Divine Prankster, Bhagavan Shri Krishna.

Kumaris Neha and Pinky, her students, lent Kumari Somashekhari Ji valuable support.
Somashekhari's Devi Dance was in homage to the Divine Mother, our Protector, and the source of all wisdom, love, and mercy.

A monastic disciple of Gurudev Swami Omkarananda Ji Maharaj, Kumari Somashekhari Ji is the Director and principal teacher at Omkarananda Saraswati Natya Kala Academy. She has studied Bharatanatyam, Odissi and Kathak under such eminent teachers as Dr. Yamini Krishnamurti Ji and Dr. Minati Mishra Ji, and has performed before distinguished audiences. Of the many honours conferred on her the one she values most is the title Kalanidhi, received from Gurudev Swami Omkarananda Ji Maharaj Himself.

Twelve-year-old Parineeta Rane, on a short visit from Mumbai with her parents, added her own tribute to Gurudev Maharaj, recalling His words, 'Who am I? Before I was born, I was. After I die, I will be. ''

Those assembled had a great gift waiting for them. This was in the shape of a short message in the voice of Shri Gurudev Maharaj on the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient intelligence of God, which is in every point of space.

Coinciding with the occasion was the completion of a quarter-century by Omkarananda Saraswati Nilayam Inter College, and Col. (Retd) D. L. Sachdeva, the Principal, released the Silver Jubilee issue of the school magazine, Prayatna'sheel.

Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji's vote of thanks, and the Omkarananda Arati and Pushpanjali, with Kumari Somashekhari Ji, Pandit Suresh Ji, and Pandit Sanjay Ji participating, concluded the day's events.

Pandit Ganesh Shastri Ji from Omkarananda Dharma Samsthan, Mumbai, had compered the entire programme in his inimitable style.

The Bhandara lovingly provided, delighted everyone.

In honour of Gurudev Parama'hamsa Swami Omkarananda a Bhagavat Katha started in Omkarananda Ganga-Mata Mandir, Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh, near the holy river Ganga.
Pandit Rajeshwar Maharaj Ji went on to expound the Bhagava'tam with vocal and musical accompaniment at Omkarananda Ganga-Mata Mandir. From 26th December for eight days, a steadily growing audience listened to the Sangitamaya Kathavyasa with rapt attention. A highlight of the afternoon of 31st December was the presence at the Mandir of Professor Swatantra Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of the Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, and his wife. Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji accompanied the distinguished visitors.

Kumari Somashekhari Ji, with her students Kumaris Neha Ji and Pinky Ji, presented dances in honour of Bhagavan Shri Krishna, whose birth and childhood Pandit Rajeshwar Maharaj had described earlier in the afternoon.
Pandit Ji's full-throated Svagatam Krishna! had the hall reverberating with Svagatam Krishna!, and, age and gender forgotten, had people up on their feet, swaying and swirling in sheer ecstasy. The scene put one in mind of what it must have been like, ages ago, to experience the enchantment of the notes flowing from the Lord's own flute.

Swami Pragyanandaji (inmate), Swami Shankar Tilak (Spain) and Swami Rakeshanandaji

Shri Ashok Prapanna Sharmaji with Swami Vishveshwaranandaji

Vote of Thanks by Swamiji

Visitors waiting for Bhandara

After having taken the devout audience through the Bhagavatam's narration of the anxious times that Vasudeva and Devaki had endured, the joyful arrival of the Divine Babe, His early years, and Rukmini's wedding, Pandit Ji concluded his Katha on 2nd January with a touching narration of the Lord's reunion with His boyhood companion, Sudama. At the end of the Katha Kumari Somashekhari and her students performed a Krishna Dance and an Arati Dance to the tunes of Omkarananda-Arati in honour of Gurudev.

On New Year's Day, the Omkarananda Public Ghat, in Muni-ki-Reti, had been the scene of the special Puja, Hawana, and Arati ceremonies in honour of Gurudev. Led by Pandit Suresh Ji, the priests started the holy ceremonies with the beautiful Bhajan Radhe Tere Charanon Men, Gange Tere Charanon Men. The two-hour ceremony drew passers-by, who watched it with reverent attention. Swami Vishveshwarananda, Kumari Somashekhari, Col. Sachdeva, Sri R.D. Gaur, Pandit Rajeshwar and others attended the function.

At the end beautiful flower bouquets with dipas were offered, amidst chanting of the Mantras, to the holy river Ganga.

The effect of the lights, floating on the most sacred river Ganga, evoked great mystical vibration with an unending divine beauty.

This time the famous Ganga Arati, which takes place daily at sunset time in Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh, was entirely reserved for Omkarananda Mahotsava. A special banner indicated to the public that this Arati is fully dedicated to H.D. Paramahamsa Swami Omkarananda.

While ten big Aratis, along with chanting by Priests, illuminated the place on the Ganga, several times the voice from the loudspeakers informed the public that this special event is dedicated to Paramahamsa Swami Omkarananda.

The concluding day of the Mahotsava, timed to coincide with the anniversary of Shri Gurudev's Maha'samadhi, dawned bright and sunny after an early-morning drizzle.
A great Yagna was performed in honour of Gurudev Swami Omkarananda in Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir.

Meanwhile, Sadhus and Swamis had been arriving, and they were offered hospitality. Shri Siddhartha Krishna Ji took over the task of welcoming them and telling them about the significance of the Mahotsava. Swami Jagdishananda Ji and Swami Kaivalyananda Ji of Lochanananda Ashram, Mayakund, Rishikesh, and Swami Tirthananda Ji of Swarg'ashram, Rishikesh, eulogized Shri Gurudev's work.

Kumari Somashekhari Ji reminisced in feeling terms about her experiences of Shri Swami Omkarananda's kindness. Her speech was presented in highly classical Hindi and her words of Wisdom were deeply appreciated by the entire Sadhu community who participated in this event.

Swami Vishveshwarananda Ji expressed his great joy at having such a magnificent gathering on the occasion. Responding to a suggestion for a Sanskrit University, he added his own hope that one would soon take shape before long. He also thanked those present, and in particular Pandit Suresh Ji, Shri Siddhartha Krishna Ji, Swami Satchidananda Ji and Kumari Somashekhari Ji for their valuable help.

The assembled Sadhus and Swamis were then honoured at a Bhandara.



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Vidya Prabodhini Magazine Issues
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Visit the Website of Kumari Somashekhari, Indian Classical Dancer
& Direct Disciple of Gurudev Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati.
Omkarananda Gayatri Ved Vidyalaya

Kamakshi-Devi Mandir

Shri Mahakala-
Bhairava Mandir

Who is a Guru?
and other
Inspiring Speeches
by Swami Omkarananda


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