Itranslator has two different styles of toolbars:
1. Office 2007 Style Ribbon Bar
2. Office 2003 Style Toolbar
How to change the look of your Ribbon Bar / Toolbar.
1. Office 2007 Style Ribbon Bar
Note: The ribbon bar contains all possible commands and therefore no Menus are used in this style.
Home Ribbon Bar:
(For File Operations, Tools, Help, etc.)

The use of the buttons is self-explanatory. However, some of the buttons have an additional 'drop-down arrow',
which bring up a submenu with more options:
The 'Open' submenu shows a list of recently opened files that you can open.
The 'Save', 'Print' and 'Preview' submenus give you the option which texts you wish to save, print or preview:
ITRANS, Devanagari, Transliteration or Combined Conversion.
The 'Windows' submenu shows a list of open files.
Editing Ribbon Bar:
(For Font & Paragraph formatting, clipboard and other text operations)

The small arrow in the right lower corner of the 'Font' and 'Paragraph' Ribbon bring up a window with more options.
Preferences Ribbon Bar:
(For Options and Preferences)

The 'Toolbar Style' Option allows you to switch between the 'Office 2007 Style Ribbon Bar' and the 'Office 2003 Style Toolbar'.
The 'Window Layout' Options allows you to place ITRANS at the bottom or tile the conversion window. See here.
The 'Colors' button allows you to change the background color of any window.
The 'Fonts' button allows you to change the fonts used by Itranslator.
The 'Styles' button allows you to change the look of the Ribbon Bar and the Toolbar.
The small arrow in the right lower corner of the 'Options' Ribbon brings up a window with more options.
Preview Menu:
(For File Operations, Options and Exit)

This menu comes up by clicking the Itranslator Button at the top left corner.
2. Office 2003 Style Toolbar
Note: Along with the toolbar you also get the menus:

Standard Toolbar:
(For File Operations, Tools and Help)

Editing Toolbar:
(For clipboard and other text operations)

Formatting Toolbar:
(For Font & Paragraph formatting)

The toolbars can be 'docked' on any side of the Itranslator window or made to 'float' over the window. They can also be removed individually by selecting 'Toolbars' from the Preferences Menu. Their color scheme can be changed by selecting 'Toolbar Styles' in the Preferences Menu. Their position and style is saved when Itranslator is closed.
Change the Look of the Ribbon Bar / Toolbar
From the Preferences Menu select 'Toolbar Styles' and select the style you prefer.
From the 'Preferences' Ribbon Bar select the 'Styles' Button and select the style you prefer:
