How the Worlds
Came into Existence
The two Dimensions of
the Divine are the Manifest and the Unmanifest. The manifested
Universe has come from some Power of the unmanifested Reality.
This supreme transcendental Reality is motionless, immutable,
all-perfect. This we have called the unmanifested Reality, but, in
fact, this unmanifested Reality is there everywhere in the
Manifestation. Within the Unmanifest one Portion has come forth -
the manifested Reality, and some Intelligence of the Divine,
called God, the Creator, is maintaining This.
Within us and all
around us there is the blazing Reality of the all-seeing God. We
are brought into existence by the Love of God; we are being
sustained by the Delight of God. The entire Cosmos, all
Manifestation, all Matter, all Space is filled with the infinite
Delight of the divine Consciousness.
every Point, in every Atom, there is the Centre of this infinite
Happiness of the infinite Consciousness. Not only our inner
spiritual Being, but every Nerve and Bone, every Cell is a Point
of the infinite Delight of the infinite Consciousness. Therefore,
everything in creation longs for Happiness, searches for
Happiness. Happiness is the Aim of everybody's activity; Happiness
is the Goal of all life.
The whole creation is
moving towards happiness. Why does it search for happiness? Why
does it long for happiness? We search only for that which we have
lost, not for something which we possess. Our nature, which is the
infinite Happiness of the infinite Consciousness, is lost to our
experience and understanding, and therefore we are looking for
happiness, searching for happiness.
Man in general is
restlessly conquering the outer world. Though man steps on and
walks on the moon, man is not a grain happier for it, nor has he
solved even one millionth of his problems. He is more miserable
for his conquest of the moon; he has new fears, he has new
problems to face.
No matter how much
wealth you have, how many houses and buildings you own in many
countries of the world, or how much beauty, how much physical
strength you have, no matter how fine your senses be and what keen
pleasures they bring you - you are restless and unhappy. Something
in your heart creates disturbance, a sense of want. You will
always look for something else. You are condemned to do so, as
long as you are in creation. No matter who you are, whether a
poet, a rich man, a king, a genius, no matter what you are, you
will be perpetually restless. The Spirit in you would have no
satisfaction worth mentioning. You will be always seeking, even if
you do not know what you are seeking. So, all empirical search for
happiness is an attempt, an outward attempt, to regain the
happiness that we have lost.
Reality, in Truth, there is nothing anywhere except God as
infinite creative Consciousness, as Beauty and infinite Happiness.
Matter, mind, life are manifestations derived from the
Consciousness. The human individual, not knowing this Truth,
ignorant of this fact, driven by a sense of multiplicity, finds
only the many in the experience. He does not see God. He sees many
things in the world, he has the experience of the many, and
therefore he is constantly exposed to suffering, for he is in the
untruth. What is the Truth? The Truth is everywhere GOD ALONE. The
world is in Him, He is in it, He is the world, He is more than the
world. All is resident in Him. He is the first and the last Truth.
All creation has
emerged from the Fire of Thought of the Divine, the Fire of
creative Intelligence in the Divine. Thought is present
everywhere, even as the dream in the mind of an individual is a
product of thought, even as all the works of the human individual
- whether they are buildings or books, or any other things - are a
product of thought. The infinite Mind, the infinite Intelligence,
is present everywhere, vibrant in all metals, vibrant and active
in the mind of man, in all living forms, vibrant and active
everywhere, in every point of space. The whole matter is vibrant
with the Consciousness and Intelligence of God!
Numberless universes
have risen and disappeared. Let us say, every universe lasts for
several millions of years. After that what happens? Perhaps there
is another creation. From the timeless bosom of the infinite
Reality another universe comes into manifestation. Like thoughts
rising and disappearing, like dreams rising and disappearing,
numberless thoughts and dreams rise and disappear in the infinite
Intelligence of the Divine. From where have they come? And where
have they gone? Who bears them? It is the timeless Reality. That
Being which is timeless bears in Itself all time-eternities. Our
universe is one among the countless universes that have risen and
disappeared, and there will be countless numbers of universes in
the future. Who is great, this beautiful universe or That Which
has founded the universe, That from Which this universe has come
as a temporary structure which will soon disappear, even if that
'soon' be millions and millions of years? Certainly the Creator is
the greater.
us suppose you are dreaming. In the dream state you create a
magnificent universe, with stars, planets, and so on. You are
supervising what you have created. Suddenly, somebody comes and
wakens you. The moment you open your eyes, all the universe has
dissolved. Where has it gone? Back into your consciousness. Yet
you can create it again. So, when God wants it, He can
instantaneously re-manifest. That infinite Consciousness created
billions and billions of cosmic cycles. When we look at the sky,
we see the planets, we see the stars. Each of these stars is a
universe in itself. It is an unimaginable boundless creation. It
is childish to say that the universe is created for the first
time. What was there before this universe came into existence?
Perhaps another universe. What was there before that? Perhaps some
other manifestation. What was there before that? You can go on
questioning, and you will find endless numbers of universes that
have risen and disappeared.
Not all the creation
is important - all these worlds are mere expressions of the
Divine. These expressions are not important. The Creator of all
these expressions is all-important! Expressions come and go; the
creative Spirit behind is eternal and perpetual. The whole
universe is like a fleeting dream in the Mind of God. Such dreams
He had by the millions, and such dreams He will have endlessly.
Such dreams come and go. What is all-important is the Divine
Itself, the supreme creative Spirit.
in the Creation
Man is an
externalization of Consciousness. The divine Intelligence in the
human individual, with the help of which we perceive colours and
everything, with the help of which the intelligence of man is
functioning, this divine Reality in the human individual which is
the source of all our experience - this is the same as the supreme
divine Reality! That is to say: this Reality of the Divine in the
human individual which is sustaining all experiences - be it a
perception of colour, or hearing a sound, or responding to human
love - this Being which makes all these experiences possible -
that is the same as the divine Reality, the absolute Existence.
The human individual is a structure of the infinite superconscious
Being, caught up in the network of self-ignorance. Man is an
ontological being, not a physical being. He is a natural being
seen empirically, seen psychologically and materially. But this
natural being is only an outer structure in which the ontological,
the super-conscious Being is resident and indwelling. Man is
primarily a creative Spirit, for he is made in the Image of the
Divine. God's very Nature is supreme Creativity. He is the supreme
Genius, He is the Source of all genius. In every man is the
highest creative Principle. From that Principle, with this
Principle the supreme Divinity has fashioned all the universes and
filled all these universes with all kinds of wealth and values.
The highest Principle is unfortunately imperceptible to the human
physical eye, and unfortunately also imperceptible to the
perceiving intelligence in man. Yet that ultimate Principle can be
experienced by the very faculty by which a great scientist
discovers new things; with that very faculty by which the poet
creates new words and new images and awakens new emotions; by that
very faculty with which a businessman becomes more efficient; by
that very faculty by which a thinker becomes a genius; by that
very capacity by which a great writer becomes the greatest writer,
a great inventor the greatest inventor. What is that faculty? It
is the meditating capacity, the contemplating capacity. Even God
Himself brings all the universe into existence by contemplation.
does the poet create? How does the sculptor shape new forms? How
does the scientist discover something new? How does the engineer
construct something extraordinary and unique in the history of
engineering? By contemplation, by deep thought. How does Homer or
a great epic writer bring the whole story into existence? Through
contemplation. By contemplation God makes manifest the whole
creation, even as the poet or a great creator, a creative artist
in any field, brings magnificent phenomena into being. The
capacity to obtain and present greatest thoughts is a gift of the
Intelligence of the Spirit. A capacity of poetic expression, a
capacity for a creative life are expressions or gifts of the
Spirit within. This marvellous Presence of the Divine is in
everyone, and it is a great blessing to grow ever more conscious
of this fact.
There is a unique
building, extraordinary for its structure, extraordinary even in
its details, extremely complex. How did this wonderful building
come into existence? It is the projection of the architect, the
designer. God projects this universe through contemplation.
Through contemplation
the aim is attained; through contemplation new things are
discovered; through contemplation something is brought into being,
something is obtained. It is a capacity that has to be developed.
It can be developed; everybody can be contemplative. In fact,
everyone is contemplative. Meditation is as pervasive as life;
wherever there is life, even in a unicellular organism, there is
concentration, meditation, contemplation. It is a natural capacity
with which you are born. By this very capacity you can experience
God, you can know the Truth. There is no other way of knowing the
all-creative Spirit is present everywhere. It is in the crystals,
in the sea, in the sand, in the wind, in all forms of life. Look
at Nature; it constantly changes itself, forms itself, expresses
itself, presents new beauties, survives destruction and puts forth
newer and newer forms of expression. It is the creative
Intelligence of the Divine that is ensouling all Nature. It is the
creative Intelligence of the Divine that is always present within
you, constantly ready to serve you, to help you conquer situations
and make progress. All is created by God in Himself, with His own
Image of Peace, Happiness, Perfection, Beauty, Harmony, Order,
Fullness. To see anything other than God is to be punished, is to
be human, is to be conditioned, is to be ignorant. Man in the
world does not experience God; therefore, he is exposed to
suffering, is limited in knowledge, knows death, experiences
diseases, makes a tremendous waste of life's resources. For this
reason the knowledge of the Divine is of supreme importance. It
changes our life, It dwells in our intelligence and guides it to
higher and higher stages of evolution. It is the secret of true
Life in the physical
body is temporary; everything that it seeks after is also
temporary. Anything temporary, no matter how pleasant it can be,
no matter what it promises, is something that is going to fail us.
Even if you have everything that the creation can offer you, you
will still be wanting; though there is nothing missing, there
still is discontentment in you, still there is some frustration,
some fundamental and residual restlessness. Therefore, wisdom
compels the seeking and earnest heart to shift its central
interest on the Creator. There is infinite celestial Music
within you! And that is why you are restlessly seeking for
delights of music. And even if you were Bach, you would struggle
and strive after greater melodies. That which is in you is
infinite Harmony, infinite Melody, and you shall not find
satisfaction until you have discovered that which is in you. All
the wonderful music produced in the world is the enjoyment of the
endless Music within. Where is the end of the striving after
musical perfection in a great musician? Only in the endless Music,
in the infinite Music. Till then musicians will always be born in
the world - each greater than the preceding one - yet they will be
striving after greater and greater perfection in the field of
music. In this tendency each reveals that there is infinite
Harmony and Melody and Music within himself.
is endless Light within man; and in his tendency to seek after
light, the light of knowledge, in his search for wisdom, in his
search for perfection, he reveals what is within him. Even a
carpenter wants to be perfect, the ironsmith wants to be perfect,
the cobbler wants to be perfect, everybody wants to be perfect -
be it in the field of work, in the field of their knowledge, in
the field of their skills, or in the field of the entire life.
Perfection is what every man aims at and thus reveals what is
hidden within himself: infinite Perfection.
There is endless
knowledge within you. All your outer striving for knowledge, for
ever more knowledge, is an apologetic attempt to arrive at the
endless Knowledge within you. There is endless Peace within you;
and therefore you shall never be satisfied - however much peace
may be given - until you discover and experience the endless Peace
within you which is God, which is the Truth.
All human problems
can ultimately be reduced to the simple fact that there is deep in
your soul something great which is satisfied by nothing, which
could be satisfied only by infinite Joy, infinite Love, infinite
Life, infinite Knowledge, infinite Beauty and Power which are
characteristic and natural attributes of the divine Spirit within
you. This greatest Being is your real Life of life. That has to be
befriended. The greater your contact with the Divine, the more
blessed you are, the more wonderful you are, the more peaceful you
are. Eternal life is given to you in consequence of your close
relations to the Divine.
science is purely aiming at the conquest of creation. On account
of that it is absolutely unable to grant man peace or wisdom worth
the name. All science, therefore, fails us. Nothing in creation
can satisfy us, can solve the fundamental problems of life, the
riddles of life, can grant us Immortality, everlasting Peace,
creative Intelligence, everlasting Joy. No matter what the
sciences gain for us, it is something within creation; and nothing
in creation is of any value where the fundamental questions of
life and soul are concerned. Science says: "We will create new
energy." But in creating new energy also new problems will be
created. We are not happy for the petrol we have, though it brings
us much comfort. And when petrol comes to an end, you are
miserable. You produce another energy, and you will produce it
from some other resources in creation. Again that comes to an end,
creating new problems. Nothing in creation can satisfy the heart
of man. So, all sciences from this standpoint are useless, are
more a disservice than a service; but any science that turns its
attention to the Creator is a great science, an immortal science,
leading to the conscious experience of the Immortal, leading us to
sources and resources which are inexhaustible. Biology pertains to
creation, physics pertains to creation, economics, all social
sciences, all material sciences pertain to creation. These will
not help us ultimately. Seek for that knowledge which is not
pertaining to creation but pertaining to the Creator.
Science has enabled
man to step on the moon but has completely destroyed the
environment; it has destroyed the earth, its natural resources,
its pure air, everything it has destroyed. That which seems to be
a blessing turns out to be a curse. There are problems above
problems. Nothing in creation has the real solution to the
problems of life. The solution to the problems of life lies in
only one place: in the Hands of the Creator. The doctor is
within the creation, and he has not the solution to the problems
of life. He is himself worried; his ability to help is limited.
The rich man has not the solution to the problems of life. The
most beautiful person, or the most gifted person, the most desired
person has no solution to the serious problems of life. Nothing in
creation, not all its beauty, not all its wealth nor all its
resources can make you a little happier. If they make you a little
happy, quickly that happiness is overcome by other problems. Even
if you embrace the whole creation as your personal possession, you
shall never be happy.
the birds all over the world join together to make perpetual music
for you; all the beautiful rivers and the seas of the world may
wash your feet in honour of you - even then you will not be happy.
Perhaps all the factories around the world will be busy producing
whatever you want - even then you will not be happy. Perhaps all
people, all mankind become poets and begin to write praises of you
- even then your heart will find no rest and peace. While your
face smiles at the praises that man can give you, secretly the
heart within is being torn by its own sorrow.
The problems of life
resolve themselves the moment we learn to dwell consciously in the
Creator. From one point of view we are already living in the
Creator, but we are not conscious of it. If all could grow
conscious of this fact that we live, move and have our being in
the Creator, then everyone would lose the limitations of being a
creature. Everyone would then subsist in unbreakable peace and
joy, wisdom and freedom. Consciously to live, move and have our
being in the Creator, in oneness with the One, is the key and the
solution to the riddle of human life.
to experience everything as one? How to live in an ecstatic,
all-absorbing God-Consciousness? We must be in a position to think
like God, feel like God, live like God, before we can realize and
express His infinite Perfection, Peace, Beauty, Light. How does
God think, how does God feel, how does God work? Human feeling is
limited, narrow, conditioned, relative, troubled. God's feeling is
unlimited, all-perfect, untroubled. Human love is limited, mixed
up with dislike and hatred, governed by conditions, time and
space. God's Love is unlimited. Therefore, you must constantly
seek to express unlimitedness. It is true, physical conditions
make it impossible for us to serve every son of the earth, and we
are only able to serve our own children; but we should include all
other children at least in our thoughts and prayers and feelings.
When we are walking in the street, let us say in our hearts: "May
all humanity be peaceful, may all be blessed; may there be peace
and happiness and joy and progress everywhere on earth."
Let our life be a
continued festival of pouring blessings, peace, happiness, joy,
strength upon the world. Let us also bless and have the greatest
goodwill and love for creatures and beings which are invisible,
and also for beings who are in other worlds. Let us breathe a
blessing and a thought of peace and love even for children who are
not yet born and who will be born a thousand years later on earth.