is endowed with the same intelligence that is in God. He should make use
of this intelligence at all times. If he does not, he is a fool.
Say there is one Mr. Z.
His mother has prepared cakes and sandwiches and packed everything for his
journey - sweets, delicacies, wonderful bread, milk, etc. On the way Mr.
Z. grows very hungry. What does he do? He starts eating grass and straw.
People call him a fool: "See, in your rucksack there are so many
delicious things. Why don't you eat those?" Man is exactly like this.
He does not use his intelligence.
Within you there are
wonderful treasures. Everybody is born with so many provisions from God.
Everything is there in the heart, in the soul. There are endless wonders
within your soul and intelligence. Why suffer? Use the inner resources
hidden in your soul and create for yourself here and now a paradise!
- Swami