How to reverse convert text

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Itranslator 99 can convert:

Devanagari to ITRANS
Transliteration to ITRANS
Devanagari to Transliteration


1)From the Tools Menu select 'Reverse Conversion'. All open files will be closed. This window will appear:



2)Select which conversion you need by clicking one of the three tabs.
3)You can open a file or paste text in the upper window.
4)Click the 'Convert' Button.
5)The converted text will appear in the lower window.
6)You can either save the converted text or copy-and-paste it into a Windows application.
7)Click the 'Close' button to return to Itranslator.



Ribbon Bar:


Click the 'Reverse Conversion' button on the Home Ribbon Bar to open the Reverse Conversion window:






Click the 'Reverse Conversion' button on the Toolbar to open the Reverse Conversion window:






For details on how the 'Reverse Conversion' feature of Itranslator 99 converts Devanagari to Transliteration, Devanagari to ITRANS or Transliteration to ITRANS, see the "Reverse Conversion Table".