Click on the underlined menu item to learn more about the Menus of Itranslator:
File Menu
Opens a new file, opens/reopens an existing file in the ITRANS panel, closes the active file, closes all open files, sets up your printer, exits Itranslator.
Saves, prints, converts, or creates web pages from the ITRANS text in the active file.
Devanagari Menu
Saves, prints, or creates web pages from the Devanagari text in the active file.
Transliteration Menu
Saves, prints, or creates web pages from the transliterated text in the active file.
Combined Conversion Menu
Saves, prints, or creates web pages from the combined Devanagari & transliterated text in the active file.
Edit Menu
Cuts, copies, pastes, deletes text. Also: Undo / Select All /
Search & Replace.
Tools Menu
Inserts the ITRANS code for Devanagari Characters into the ITRANS panel, Batch Conversion, Reverse Conversion.
Window Menu
Tiles, cascades and switches between open files.
Help Menu
Opens this Help file, Info about Itranslator 99.