How to place converted text into other applications

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There are two ways to place text into other applications:



1.After converting ITRANS text place the cursor into either the Devanagari, Transliteration or Combined window
2.Use the <Select All> command from the Edit Menu to select the entire text
3.Copy the text to the clipboard with the <Copy> command from the Edit Menu
4.Open the application in which you want to place the text and select <Paste > from the application's Edit Menu.


Save Converted Text

1.Save the converted text with the Save / Save As command from the Devanagari, Transliteration or Combined Conversion Menu.
2.Open your application and import the text file into your application.
(Please consult your application's help file on how to import files).


In place of <Select All > you may use the <Ctrl-A> shortcut.

In place of <Copy> you may use the <Ctrl-C> shortcut.

In place of <Paste> you may use the <Ctrl-V> shortcut.


You may also use the buttons on the Ribbon Bar and Toolbar for these operations.